Sunday, July 29, 2012


As parents, we are always on the look out for teachable moments.  One such moment presented itself while swimming in the pool on vacation.

Skyler was playing chase in the pool with some new found friends from Texas. After loosing a couple of rounds he swam over and exclaimed "Dad, that kid is fast."

I thought for a moment and said "Skyler, fast swimmers are like Alligator's.  They are only fast in one direction where they can  build up momentum.  Try changing directions often - that should take away his advantage."

Minutes later, sitting on my float and soaking up the sun,  I see Skyler swimming over with a huge smile on his face.  "Hey, Dad. You were right.  I beat him."

Not willing to miss a teachable moment, I offered Skyler a glimpse of the bigger picture.

"Skyler,  never forget this lesson.  In life, there will always be someone stronger, bigger, smarter, faster or with more resources.  But you can usually prevail with good strategy.  Strategy is the great equalizer.  Use it."

He swam away, I smiled.  Those teachable moments, they don't take a vacation.

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