Sunday, July 29, 2012


As parents, we are always on the look out for teachable moments.  One such moment presented itself while swimming in the pool on vacation.

Skyler was playing chase in the pool with some new found friends from Texas. After loosing a couple of rounds he swam over and exclaimed "Dad, that kid is fast."

I thought for a moment and said "Skyler, fast swimmers are like Alligator's.  They are only fast in one direction where they can  build up momentum.  Try changing directions often - that should take away his advantage."

Minutes later, sitting on my float and soaking up the sun,  I see Skyler swimming over with a huge smile on his face.  "Hey, Dad. You were right.  I beat him."

Not willing to miss a teachable moment, I offered Skyler a glimpse of the bigger picture.

"Skyler,  never forget this lesson.  In life, there will always be someone stronger, bigger, smarter, faster or with more resources.  But you can usually prevail with good strategy.  Strategy is the great equalizer.  Use it."

He swam away, I smiled.  Those teachable moments, they don't take a vacation.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


When your ten, everything is a game.  Even the application of sunscreen.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ping Pong

Completely enjoyed teaching Sky the game of Ping Pong and schooling him the art of the slam. 

I tried to teach him Grandpa Cain's wicked back-hand but I fear it missed the mark.  Perhaps Grandpa will have to come out of retirement and coach my man Sky.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Catch It!

Loved tossing the football with Skyman in the pool.  We love throwing it high to see who can go up and get it.  His reach is higher, his hands are getting better and he is getting harder to beat.

Future wide receiver?  Who knows.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Skim Board - Day 2

For the record, I told you so.  I told you he was down but not out. Sore but not sorry. Hurt but not hiding.  I told you so.

Vacation, Day 3. Skim Board, Day 2.  Skyler stands on a moving board, skimming across the water.

I won't lie.  It wasn't first thing this morning.  It wasn't easy.  And there was much more pain before the gain, but he kept trying and has officially stood his ground on the skim board.

Next up, mastering the skim board.  You just gotta love his spirit. (while treating his wounds).

Sea Shells

Bottoms up.  Skyler spent some time floating face down to look for sea shells.   Good time but not a lot of good shells on this particular day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Skim Board

Skyler's big challenge this year is to learn to ride the skim board.  And a challenge it is! 

Note the serious look on his face while applying wax to the board this morning.  Day one was mostly running and falling - not much standing or riding on the skim board.  Down but not out - Skyler is ready to try again tomorrow.

In the mean time, we have one sore little skim boarder tonight.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Last Day in Studio

One final session and studio camp comes to a close.  An amazing opportunity and great a experience for our Skyler.  He walked out the door with a CD of a song he played and helped mix.

Can't wait to see what's next for our little guitarist.   Thanks, Marty and Edenbrook Music.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Spray n Wash

Winston was enjoying his cool down even though it came in the form of a bath.  For the very first time, Skyler and Bella managed to wash Winston all by themselves.  They did a great job,  with the excepton of almost giving him an enema with the water hose.

Skyler and I have been watching a lot of Animal Planet and National Geographic this summer. His passion and knoweledge of all types of animals is astonishing.   He is asking questions about careeres in animal care and you know what?  I think he would be fabulous in that role.

Of course, I have found a dozen other things for which I think he would be ideally suited.  Time will tell.  I am just grateful to be along for the ride so I have a front row seat to watch him mature, develop, grow and discern is calling in life.

I can't imagine a seat better than mine.  I love the view, from the front porch looking in.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Bet

The kids and I escaped a baby shower and decided to try Buffalo Wild Wings for the first time. While waiting for our food, Skyler says "I'm looking forward to this. I've never eaten Buffalo before." 

Uh?  Seriously?

I said it was "chicken."  Skyler said it was Buffalo.  We made a gentleman's wager of $5 and called the server over.  Her reply - "how many Buffalo have you seen with wings?"

Being the good man that he is, Skyler got his wallet out and tried to make good on his bet.  I just couldn't make myself take his money.  The good laughs were payment enough.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Studio Camp

A big day for our little guitarist.  Skyler started studio camp where he has the opportunity to learn and work in a real / operational studio for a few days.   He was a a tad bit nervous on his first day but left thinking the experience was way off of the cool charts.  (That's a good thing for those of you who don't speak 10 year old boy.)

Mom and Dad were equally impressed and proud.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Skittle Champion

Skyler's very first game of Skittles and he beat the whole family.