Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Break

With Bell Buckle behind us, the family woke up early Sunday morning to pack and depart for a trip to the Mountains. A great afternoon for a drive across the Plateau and into the majestic East Tennessee mountains.

We decided to skip lunch so everyone would be plenty hungry for an early dinner at the Apple Barn. The hour wait proved a good time for the kids to practice their tree climbing skills. (just what I need, a broken arm on the first day of Fall Break - but they survived.)

After dinner, Bella and I managed to beat Mommy and Skyler in a Go-Cart race at The Old Woody track. Bragging rights once again but I must admit I had to use my front bumper to move my way to the front.

Life lesson - either lead or get out of the way. (Skyler calls this rule the "you better wreck Dad before he wrecks you rule.)

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